Thursday, July 2, 2009

Titusville Playhouse.

The first day I volunteered at the playhouse, there were students everywhere. It was almost too overwhelming. There were people sanding down the stairway and people wiping down the walls at the same time. This didn't make much sense to me because the more people sanded, the more people had to wipe down the walls. Also, I thought it was a little backwards that the walls were painted, then spackled, then re-painted. I think that it would have saved time to stop and think of the correct order to do things. The second day I was there, there were fewer people, which I found to be more relaxing. Everyone had a job to do and knew how to do it. Some people worked on lighting and others worked on organizing the clothes. A few others and I painted the stairs. Things weren't as hectic. Overall, I liked volunteering at the playhouse because going from extremely old and dark wall paper to pink paint was a big change.

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